edxml package

edxml.EDXMLBase module

This module contains generic (base)classes used throughout the SDK.

exception edxml.EDXMLBase.EDXMLError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Generic EDXML exception class

exception edxml.EDXMLBase.EDXMLProcessingInterrupted

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Exception for signaling that EDXML processing was aborted

class edxml.EDXMLBase.EDXMLBase

Base class for most SDK subclasses


Raises EDXMLError.

Message (str): Error message

Prints a warning to sys.stderr.

Message (str): Warning message

Returns the number of warnings generated


Returns the number of errors generated

ValidateDataType(ObjectType, DataType)

Validate a data type.


ObjectType (str): Name of the object type having specified data type

DataType (str): EDXML data type

calls Error() when datatype is invalid.

ValidateObject(Value, ObjectTypeName, DataType, Regexp=None)

Validate an object value.

The Value argument can be a string, int, bool, Decimal, etc depending on the data type.


Value: Object value.

ObjectTypeName (str): Object type.

DataType (str): EDXML data type of object.

Regexp (str, optional): Regular expression for checking Value.

calls Error() when value is invalid.

NormalizeObject(Value, DataType)

Normalize an object value to a unicode string

Prepares an object value for computing sticky hashes, by applying the normalization rules as outlined in the EDXML specification. It takes a string containing an object value as input and returns a normalized unicode string.


Value (str, unicode): The input object value

DataType (str): EDXML data type

unicode. The normalized object value

calls Error() when value is invalid.

edxml.EDXMLDefinitions module


This module contains the EDXMLDefinitions class, which manages information from EDXML <definitions> sections.

class edxml.EDXMLDefinitions.EDXMLDefinitions

Bases: edxml.EDXMLBase.EDXMLBase

Class for managing information from EDXML <definitions> sections.

This class is used for managing definitions of event types, object types and sources from EDXML files. It is used for storing parsed definitions, querying definitions, and merging definitions from various EDXML files. It can be used to store <definitions> sections from multiple EDXML streams in succession, which results in the definitions from all streams being merged together. During the merge, the definitions are automatically checked for compatibility with previously stored definitions. The edxml.EDXMLBase.EDXMLError exception is raised when problems are detected.

The class also offers methods to generate EDXML <definitions> sections from the stored definitions, or generate (partial) XSD and RelaxNG schemas which can be used for validation of EDXML files.


Returns boolean indicating if given Source ID exists.

SourceId (str): EDXML Source Identifier
bool. Source ID exists (True) or not (False)

Returns boolean indicating if given event type is defined.

EventTypeName (str): Name of event type
bool. Event type exists (True) or not (False)
PropertyDefined(EventTypeName, PropertyName)

Returns boolean indicating if given property is defined.


EventTypeName (str): Event type name

PropertyName (str): Property Name

bool. Property exists (True) or not (False)

Returns boolean indicating if given object type is defined.

ObjectTypeName (str): Object type name
bool. Object type exists (True) or not (False)
RelationDefined(EventTypeName, Property1Name, Property2Name)

Returns boolean indicating if given property relation is defined.


EventTypeName (str): Event type name

Property1Name (str): Name of event type property

Property2Name (str): Name of event type property

bool. Relation exists (True) or not (False)

Returns list of known relation predicates.

list. List of predicates

Returns a boolean indicating if given eventtype is unique or not.

EventTypeName (str): Name of event type
bool. Event type is unique (True) or not (False)
PropertyIsUnique(EventTypeName, PropertyName)

Returns a boolean indicating if given property is unique or not.


EventTypeName (str): Name of event type

PropertyName (str): Name of event property

bool. Property is unique (True) or not (False)

Returns a list of names of unique properties

EventTypeName (str): Name of an event type
list. List of unique properties

Returns a list of names of properties which must have an object

EventTypeName (str): Name of an event type
list. List of mandatory properties

Returns a list of names of properties which cannot have multiple objects

EventTypeName (str): Name of an event type
list. List of singleton properties
PropertyDefinesEntity(EventTypeName, PropertyName)

Returns boolean indicating if property of given event type is an entity identifier.


EventTypeName (str): Name of event type

PropertyName (str): Name of event property

bool. Is entity identifier (True) or not (False)
PropertyInRelation(EventTypeName, PropertyName)

Returns a boolean indicating if given property of specified event type is involved in any defined property relation.


EventTypeName (str): Name of event type

PropertyName (str): Name of event property

bool. Is part of relation definition (True) or not (False)

Returns an ordered list of all parsed source URLs. The order as they appeared in the EDXML stream is preserved.

list. List of EDXML source URLs

Returns a list of all known source ID

list. List of EDXML source IDs

Returns the ID of event source having specified URL

Url (str): EDXML source URL
str. EDXML source ID

Returns a list of all known event type names. The order as they appeared in the EDXML stream is preserved.

list. List of event type names

Returns a dictionary containing all attributes of requested event type.

EventTypeName (str): Name of an event type
dict. EDXML attributes

Returns a dictionary containing all attributes of the parent of requested eventtype. Returns empty dictionary when event type has no defined parent.

EventTypeName (str): Name of an event type
dict. EDXML attributes of parent

Returns a dictionary containing all property names of the event type that map to a parent property. The value of each key corresponds to the name of the parent property that the child property maps to. Returns empty dictionary when event type has no defined parent.

EventTypeName (str): Name of an event type
dict. Child / Parent Property mapping

Returns a list of event type names having specified object type.

ObjectTypeName (str): Name of an object type
list. List of event type names

Returns a list of event type names that belong to specified class.

ClassName (str): Name of an EDXML event type class
list. List of event type names

Returns a list of event type names that belong to specified list of classes.

ClassNames (iterable): Iterable yielding names of EDXML event type classes
list. List of event type names

Returns a dictionary containing all attributes of specified object type.

ObjectTypeName (str): Name of an object type
dict. Dictionary of EDXML object type attributes

Returns a list of all property names of given event type. The order as they appeared in the EDXML stream is preserved.

EventTypeName (str): Name of an event type
list. List of event type property names

Returns a list of all IDs of property relations in given event type. The order as they appeared in the EDXML stream is preserved.

EventTypeName (str): Name of an event type
list. List of property relation identifiers
GetPropertyRelationAttributes(EventTypeName, RelationId)

Returns a dictionary containing all attributes of requested relation.

The returned attributes are the attributes of the EDXML <relation> tag that corresponds to the specified relation identifier.


EventTypeName (str): Name of an event type

RelationId (str): Identifier of a property relation

dict. Dictionary containing EDXML attributes of relation tag

Returns a list of all known object type names. The order as they appeared in the EDXML stream is preserved.

list. List of object type names

Returns dictionary containing attributes of the source specified by given URL.

The returned dictionary contains the attributes of the EDXML <source> tag

Url (str): EDXML source URL
dict. Dictionary containing the attributes of the source tag.

Returns dictionary containing attributes of the source specified by given Source ID.

SourceId (str): Source identifier
dict. Dictionary containing the attributes of the source tag.

Returns True when given string object type requires unicode characters, return False otherwise.

ObjectTypeName (str): Name of an object type
bool. Objects require unicode encoding (True) or not (False)
GetPropertyObjectType(EventTypeName, PropertyName)

Return the name of the object type of specified event property.


EventTypeName (str): Name of event type

PropertyName (str): Name of event property

str. Object type name
GetPropertyAttributes(EventTypeName, PropertyName)

Return dictionary of attributes of specified event property.


EventTypeName (str): Name of event type

PropertyName (str): Name of event property

dict. Dictionary containing the EDXML attributes of the <property> tag

Return the data type of given object type.

ObjectTypeName (str): Name of an object type
str. EDXML data type
AddEventType(EventTypeName, Attributes)

Add an event type to the collection of event type definitions. If an event type definition with the same name exists, it will be checked for consistency with the existing definition.


EventTypeName (str): Name of event type

Attributes (dict): Dictionary holding the attributes of the <eventtype> tag

SetEventTypeParent(EventTypeName, Attributes)

Configure a parent of specified event type.


EventTypeName (str): Name of event type

Attributes (str): Dictionary holding the attributes of the <parent> tag.

AddProperty(EventTypeName, PropertyName, Attributes)

Add a property to the collection of property definitions. If a property definition with the same name exists, it will be checked for consistency with the existing definition.


EventTypeName (str): Name of an event type

PropertyName (str): Name of a property

Attributes (dict): Dictionary holding the attributes of the <property> tag.

AddRelation(EventTypeName, Property1Name, Property2Name, Attributes)

Add a relation to the collection of relation definitions. If a relation definition with the same properties exists, it will be checked for consistency with the existing definition.


EventTypeName (str): Name of the event type

Property1Name (str): Name of property 1

Property2Name (str): Name of property 2

Attributes (dict): Dictionary holding the attributes of the <relation> tag.

AddObjectType(ObjectTypeName, Attributes, WarnNotUsed=True)

Add an object type to the collection of object type definitions. If an object type definition with the same name exists, it will be checked for consistency with the existing definition.


ObjectTypeName (str): Name of event type

Attributes (str): Dictionary holding the attributes of the <objecttype> tag.

WarnNotUsed (str, optional): Generate a warning if no property uses the object type

AddSource(SourceUrl, Attributes)

Add a source to the collection of event source definitions. If a source definition with the same URL exists, it will be checked for consistency with the existing definition.


SourceUrl (str): URL of event source

Attributes (str): Dictionary holding the attributes of the <source> tag.


Remove a source from the collection of event source definitions.

SourceId (str): EDXML source ID

Checks if all object types that properties refer to are defined. Calls self.Error when a problem is detected.

CheckEventTypePropertyConsistency(EventTypeName, PropertyNames)

Check if specified list of property names is correct for the specified event type. Calls self.Error when a problem is detected.


EventTypeName (str): Name of an event type

PropertyName (str): Name of an event property


Check if the relation definitions for specified eventtype are correct. Calls self.Error when a problem is detected.


Checks if parent definition of given event type is valid, if there is any parent definition.

EventTypeName (str): Name of an event type
CheckReporterString(EventTypeName, String, PropertyNames, CheckCompleteness=False)

Checks if given event type reporter string makes sense. Optionally, it can also check if all given properties are present in the string.


EventTypeName (str): Name of an event type

String (str): The reporter string

PropertyNames (list): List of property names belonging to the event type

CheckCompleteness (bool, optional): Check if all properties are present in string


Source IDs are required to be unique only within a single EDXML file. When multiple EDXML files are parsed using the same EDXMLParser instance, it may happen that different sources have the same ID. This method changes the Source IDs of all known sources to be unique.

It returns a mapping that maps old Source ID into new Source ID.

dict. Source identifier mapping
MergeEvents(EventTypeName, EventObjectsA, EventObjectsB)

Merges the objects of an event ‘B’ with the objects of another event ‘A’. The arguments EventObjectsA and EventObjectsB should be dictionaries where the keys are property names and the values lists of object values.

The objects in EventObjectsA are updated using the objects from EventObjectsB. It returns True when EventObjectsA was modified, False otherwise.

Note that this method does NOT merge parent hashes, only the property objects.


EventTypeName (str): Name of event type of the events

EventObjectsA (dict): Objects of event A

EventObjectsB (dict): Objects of event B

ComputeStickyHash(EventTypeName, EventObjects, EventContent)

Computes a sticky hash from given event. The EventObjects argument should be a list containing dictionaries representing the objects. The dictionaries should contain the property name stored under the ‘property’ key and the value stored under the ‘value’ key.


EventTypeName (str): The name of the event type

EventObjects (list): List of event objects

EventContent (str): The content of the event

The supplied object values must be normalized using edxml.EDXMLBase.EDXMLBase.NormalizeObject().
str. A hexadecimal string representation of the hash.
ComputeStickyHashV3(EventTypeName, SourceUrl, EventObjects, EventContent)

Computes a sticky hash from given event, using the hashing algorithm from EDXML specification version 3.x. The EventObjects argument should be a list containing dictionaries representing the objects. The dictionaries should contain the property name stored under the ‘property’ key and the value stored under the ‘value’ key.


EventTypeName (str): The name of the event type

EventObjects (list): List of event objects

EventContent (str): The content of the event

The supplied object values must be normalized using edxml.EDXMLBase.EDXMLBase.NormalizeObject().
str. A hexadecimal string representation of the hash.
GenerateEventTypeXML(EventTypeName, XMLGenerator)

Generates an EDXML fragment which defines specified eventtype. Can be useful for constructing new EDXML files based on existing event type definitions.

The XMLGenerator argument may be either a SAX XMLGenerator instance or a ElementTree SimpleXMLWriter instance.


EventTypeName (str): Name of the event type

XMLGenerator (XMLGenerator,XMLWriter): XMLGenerator / XMLWriter instance

GenerateObjectTypeXML(ObjectTypeName, XMLGenerator)

Generates an EDXML fragment which defines specified object type. Can be useful for constructing new EDXML files based on existing object type definitions.

The XMLGenerator argument may be either a SAX XMLGenerator instance or a ElementTree SimpleXMLWriter instance.


EventTypeName (str): Name of the event type

XMLGenerator (XMLGenerator,XMLWriter): XMLGenerator / XMLWriter instance

GenerateEventSourceXML(SourceUrl, XMLGenerator)

Generates an EDXML fragment which defines specified event source. Can be useful for constructing new EDXML files based on existing event source definitions.

The XMLGenerator argument may be either a SAX XMLGenerator instance or a ElementTree SimpleXMLWriter instance.


SourceUrl (str): EDXML source URL

XMLGenerator (XMLGenerator,XMLWriter): XMLGenerator / XMLWriter instance

GenerateXMLDefinitions(XMLGenerator, IncludeSources=True)

Generates a full EDXML <definitions> section, containing all known event types, event types and optionally sources.

The XMLGenerator argument may be either a SAX XMLGenerator instance or a ElementTree SimpleXMLWriter instance.


XMLGenerator (XMLGenerator,XMLWriter): XMLGenerator / XMLWriter instance

IncludeSources (bool, optional): Boolean, include source definitions yes or no


Start generating an XSD schema from stored definitions. Always call this before constructing a (partial) XSD schema.


Finalize generated XSD and return it as a string.


Generates an XSD fragment related to the event type definition of specified event type. Can be useful for generating modular XSD schemas or constructing full EDXML validation schemas.

Make sure to call OpenXSD() first.

EventTypeName (str): Name of an event type

Generates an XSD fragment related to the object type definition of specified object type. Can be useful for generating modular XSD schemas or constructing full EDXML validation schemas.

Make sure to call OpenXSD() first.

ObjectTypeName (str): Name of an object type

Generates an full XSD schema for EDXML files that contain all known definitions of event types, object types and sources.

Make sure to call OpenXSD() first.


Start generating a RelaxNG schema from stored definitions. Always call this before constructing a (partial) RelaxNG schema.


Finalize RelaxNG schema and return it as a string.

str. The RelaxNG schema

Generates a RelaxNG fragment related to the event type definition of specified event type. Can be useful for generating modular RelaxNG schemas or constructing full EDXML validation schemas.

EventTypeName (str): Name of an event type

Make sure to call OpenRelaxNG() first.


Generates a RelaxNG fragment related to the object type definition of specified object type. Can be useful for generating modular RelaxNG schemas or constructing full EDXML validation schemas.

Make sure to call OpenRelaxNG() first.

ObjectTypeName (str): Name of an object type

Generates a RelaxNG fragment related to the object type definition of specified object type. Can be useful for generating modular RelaxNG schemas or constructing full EDXML validation schemas.

Make sure to call OpenRelaxNG() first.

EventTypeName (str): Name of an event type

Generates a RelaxNG fragment representing an event source. Can be useful for generating modular RelaxNG schemas or constructing full EDXML validation schemas.

Make sure to call OpenRelaxNG() first.

GenerateFullRelaxNG(EventRefs=None, EventTypeRefs=None, ObjectTypeRefs=None)

Generates a full RelaxNG schema, containing all known definitions of event types, object types and sources. You can optionally provide dictionaries which map event type names or object type names to URIs. In this case, the resulting schema will refer to these URIs in stead of generating the schema patterns in place. This might be useful if you have a central storage for event type definitions or object type definitions.

Make sure to call OpenRelaxNG() first.


EventRefs (dict, optional): Dictionary containing URI of event schema for every event type name

EventTypeRefs (dict, optional): Dictionary containing URI of event type schema for every event type name

ObjectTypeRefs (dict, optional): Dictionary containing URI of object type schema for every object type name

edxml.EDXMLFilter module


This module can be used to write EDXML filtering scripts, which can edit EDXML streams. All filtering classes are based on edxml.EDXMLParser, so you can conveniently use Definitions attribute of EDXMLParser to query details about all defined event types, object types, sources, and so on.

class edxml.EDXMLFilter.EDXMLStreamFilter(upstream, SkipEvents=False, Output=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w'>)

Bases: edxml.EDXMLParser.EDXMLParser

Base class for implementing EDXML filters

This class inherits from EDXMLParser and causes the EDXML data to be passed through to STDOUT.

You can pass any file-like object using the Output parameter, which will be used to send the filtered data stream to. It defaults to sys.stdout (standard output).


upstream: XML source (SaxParser instance in most cases)

SkipEvents (bool, optional): Set to True to parse only the definitions section

Output (bool, optional): An optional file-like object, defaults to sys.stdout


This method implements a global switch to turn XML pass through on or off. You can use it to allow certain parts of EDXML files to pass through to STDOUT while other parts are filtered out.

YesOrNo (bool): Output enabled (True) or disabled (False)
class edxml.EDXMLFilter.EDXMLValidatingStreamFilter(upstream, SkipEvents=False, Output=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w'>)

Bases: edxml.EDXMLParser.EDXMLValidatingParser

Base class for implementing EDXML filters

This class is identical to the EDXMLStreamFilter class, except that it fully validates each event that is output by the filter.

You can pass any file-like object using the Output parameter, which will be used to send the filtered data stream to. It defaults to sys.stdout (standard output).


upstream: XML source (SaxParser instance in most cases)

SkipEvents (bool, optional): Set to True to parse only the definitions section

Output (bool, optional): An optional file-like object, defaults to sys.stdout


This method implements a global switch to turn XML pass through on or off. You can use it to allow certain parts of EDXML files to pass through to STDOUT while other parts are filtered out.

Note that the output of the filter is validated, so be careful not to break the EDXML data while filtering it.

YesOrNo (bool): Output enabled (True) or disabled (False)
class edxml.EDXMLFilter.EDXMLObjectEditor(upstream, Output=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w'>)

Bases: edxml.EDXMLFilter.EDXMLValidatingStreamFilter

This class implements an EDXML filter which can be used to edit objects in an EDXML stream. It offers the ProcessObject() method which can be overridden to implement your own object editing EDXML processor.

You can pass any file-like object using the Output parameter, which will be used to send the filtered data stream to. It defaults to sys.stdout (standard output).


upstream: XML source (SaxParser instance in most cases)

Output (optional): A file-like object, defaults to sys.stdout

InsertObject(PropertyName, Value)

Insert a new object into the EDXML stream

This method can be called from implementations of EditObject() to add objects to the current event.


PropertyName (str): Property of the new object

Value (str): Value of the new object

EditObject(SourceId, EventTypeName, ObjectTypeName, attrs)

This method can be overridden to process single objects.

Implementations should return the new object attributes by means of an xml.sax.xmlreader.AttributesImpl object.


SourceId (str): EDXML Source Identifier

EventTypeName (str): Name of the event type of current event

ObjectTypeName (str): Object type of the object

attrs (AttributesImpl): XML attributes of the <object> tag

AttributesImpl. Updated XML attributes of the <object> tag
class edxml.EDXMLFilter.EDXMLEventEditor(upstream, Output=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w'>)

Bases: edxml.EDXMLFilter.EDXMLValidatingStreamFilter

This class implements an EDXML filter which can use to edit events in an EDXML stream. It offers the ProcessEvent() method which can be overridden to implement your own event editing EDXML processor.

You can pass any file-like object using the Output parameter, which will be used to send the filtered data stream to. It defaults to sys.stdout (standard output).


upstream: XML source (SaxParser instance in most cases)

Output (optional): A file-like object, defaults to sys.stdout


Delete an event while editing

Call this method from EditEvent() to delete the event in stead of just editing it.

EditEvent(SourceId, EventTypeName, EventObjects, EventContent, EventAttributes)

Modifies an event

This method can be overridden to process single events.

The EventObjects parameter is a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents one object, containing a ‘property’ key and a ‘value’ key.


SourceId (str): EDXML source identifier

EventTypeName (str): Name of the event type

EventObjects (list): List of event objects

EventContent (str): Event content string

EventAttributes (AttributesImpl): Sax AttributesImpl object containing <event> tag attributes

tuple. Modified copies of the EventObjects, EventContent and EventAttributes parameters, in that order.

edxml.EDXMLParser module


This module is used for parsing out information about eventtype, objecttype and source definitions from EDXML streams.

The classes contain a Definitions property which is in instance of the EDXMLDefinitions class. All parsed information from the EDXML header is stored there, and you can use it to query information about event types, object types, and so on.

Classes in this module:

EDXMLParser EDXMLValidatingParser

class edxml.EDXMLParser.EDXMLParser(upstream, SkipEvents=False)

Bases: edxml.EDXMLBase.EDXMLBase, xml.sax.saxutils.XMLFilterBase

The EDXMLParser class can be used as a content handler for Sax, and has several methods that can be overridden to implement custom EDXML processing scripts. It can optionally skip reading the event data itself if you are only interested in obtaining the definitions. In that case, it will abort XML processing by raising the edxml.EDXMLBase.EDXMLProcessingInterrupted exception, which you can catch and handle.

upstream: XML source (SaxParser instance in most cases) SkipEvents (bool, optional): Set to True to parse only the definitions section
Definitions (EDXMLDefinitions): edxml.EDXMLDefinitions.EDXMLDefinitions instance
DefinitionsXMLGenerator = None

EDXMLDefinitions instance


This method can be overridden to finish processing the event stream.

The parser will call this method when the end of the EDXML stream has been reached.

ProcessEvent(EventTypeName, SourceId, EventObjects, EventContent, Parents)

This method can be overridden to process events. The EventObjects parameter contains a list of dictionaries, one for each object. Each dictionary has two keys. The ‘property’ key contains the name of the property. The ‘value’ key contains the value.


EventTypeName (str): The name of the event type

SourceId (str): Event source identifier

EventObjects (list): List of objects

EventContent (str): String containing event content

Parents (list): List of hashes of explicit parent events, as hexadecimal strings

ProcessObject(EventTypeName, ObjectProperty, ObjectValue)

This method can be overridden to process objects.

The method will be called by the parser after reading an object element.


EventTypeName (str): The name of the event type

ObjectProperty (str): The name of the object property

ObjectValue (str): String containing object value


This method can be overridden to perform some action as soon as the definitions are read and parsed.

The parser will call it as soon as the <definitions> element has been fully read and parsed. From that moment on, all event type and object type definitions can be access through the Definitions attribute of the parser instance.


Returns the number of events parsed.

When an event type is passed, only the number of events of this type is returned.

EventTypeName (str, optional): Name of an event type
int. The number of events parsed.

Returns the number of warnings issued

int. The number of warnings issued.

Returns the number of errors issued

int. The number of errors issued.

Returns string representation of the <definitions> element

Should not be called until the definitions tag has been fully fed to the parser.

str. The XML string
class edxml.EDXMLParser.EDXMLValidatingParser(upstream, SkipEvents=False, ValidateObjects=True)

Bases: edxml.EDXMLParser.EDXMLParser

This class extends the functionality of EDXMLParser with thorough checking of the EDXML data. You can use the EDXMLValidatingParser class to parse EDXML data that you don’t trust. The class will call edxml.EDXMLBase.EDXMLError() when it finds problems in the data. Validation is implemented by overriding EDXMLParser.DefinitionsLoaded(), EDXMLParser.ProcessObject() and EDXMLParser.ProcessEvent().

Like edxml.EDXMLParser.EDXMLParser, it can optionally skip reading the event data itself if you are only interested in obtaining and validating the definitions. In that case, it will abort XML processing by raising the edxml.EDXMLBase.EDXMLProcessingInterrupted exception, which you can catch and handle.


upstream: XML source (SaxParser instance in most cases)

SkipEvents (bool, optional): Set to True to parse only the definitions section

ValidateObjects (bool, optional): Set to False to skip automatic object value validation

Definitions (EDXMLDefinitions): edxml.EDXMLDefinitions.EDXMLDefinitions instance

edxml.EDXMLWriter module


This module contains the EDXMLWriter class, which is used to generate EDXML streams.

class edxml.EDXMLWriter.EDXMLWriter(Output, Validate=True, ValidateObjects=True)

Bases: edxml.EDXMLBase.EDXMLBase

Class for generating EDXML streams

The Output parameter is a file-like object that will be used to send the XML data to. This file-like object can be pretty much anything, as long as it has a write() method.

The optional Validate parameter controls if the generated EDXML stream should be autovalidated or not. Automatic validation is enabled by default. This parameter applies to all aspects of EDXML validation, except for object value validation, which is covered by the ValidateObjects parameter.

Enabling object value validation always results in full EDXML validation, regardless of the value of the Validate parameter.


Output (file): File-like output object

Validate (bool, optional): Enable output validation (True) or not (False)

ValidateObjects (bool, optional): Enable object validation (True) or not (False)


Apart from programmatically adding to an EDXML stream, it is also possible to insert plain XML into the stream. Both methods result in full automatic validation of the EDXML stream.

Use this method to insert a full <definitions> element.

XmlString (str): String containing the <definitions> element

Apart from programmatically adding to an EDXML stream, it is also possible to insert plain XML into the stream. Both methods result in full automatic validation of the EDXML stream.

Use this method to insert a full <eventtype> element.

XmlString (str): String containing the <eventtype> element

Apart from programmatically adding to an EDXML stream, it is also possible to insert plain XML into the stream. Both methods result in full automatic validation of the EDXML stream.

Use this method to insert an <objecttype> tag.

XmlString (str): String containing the <objecttype> tag

Apart from programmatically adding to an EDXML stream, it is also possible to insert plain XML into the stream. Both methods result in full automatic validation of the EDXML stream.

Use this method to insert a <property> tag.

XmlString (str): String containing the <property> tag

Apart from programmatically adding to an EDXML stream, it is also possible to insert plain XML into the stream. Both methods result in full automatic validation of the EDXML stream.

Use this method to insert a <relation> tag.

XmlString (str): String containing the <relation> tag

Apart from programmatically adding to an EDXML stream, it is also possible to insert plain XML into the stream. Both methods result in full automatic validation of the EDXML stream.

Use this method to insert a <source> tag.

XmlString (str): String containing the <source> tag

Apart from programmatically adding to an EDXML stream, it is also possible to insert plain XML into the stream. Both methods result in full automatic validation of the EDXML stream.

Use this method to insert a full <event> element.

XmlString (str): String containing the <event> element

Opens the <definitions> element


Opens the <eventtypes> element

OpenEventDefinition(Name, Description, ClassList, ReporterShort, ReporterLong, DisplayName='/')

Opens an event type definition.


Name (str): Name of the eventtype

Description (str): Description of the eventtype

ClassList (str): String containing a comma seperated list of class names

ReporterShort (str): Short reporter string. Please refer to the specification for details.

LongReporter (str): Long reporter string. Please refer to the specification for details.

DisplayName (str,optional): EDXML display-name attribute

AddEventTypeParent(EventTypeName, PropertyMapping)

Adds a parent to an event definition.


EventTypeName (str): Name of the parent eventtype

PropertyMapping (str): Value of the EDXML propertymap attribute


Opens a <properties> element for defining eventtype properties.

AddEventProperty(Name, ObjectTypeName, Description, DefinesEntity=False, EntityConfidence=0, Unique=False, Merge='drop', Similar=None)

Adds a property to an event definition.


Name (str): Name of the property

ObjectTypeName (str): Name of the object type

Description (str): Description of the property

DefinesEntity (bool,optional): Property is entity identifier or not

EntityConfidence (float,optional): Floating point confidence

Unique (bool,optional): Property is unique or not

Merge (str,optional): Merge strategy (only for unique properties)

Similar (str,optional): EDXML similar attribute value


Closes a previously opened <properties> section


Opens a <relations> section for defining property relations.

AddRelation(PropertyName1, PropertyName2, Type, Description, Confidence, Directed=True)

Adds a property relation to an event definition.


PropertyName1 (str): Name of first property

PropertyName2 (str): Name of second property

Type (str): EDXML Relation type attribute

Description (str): Relation description

Confidence (float): Floating point confidence value

Directed (bool,optional): Boolean indicating if relation is directed (True) or not (False)


Closes a previously opened <relations> section


Closes a previously opened event definition


Closes a previously opened <eventtypes> section


Opens a <objecttypes> section for defining object types.

AddObjectType(Name, Description, ObjectDataType, FuzzyMatching='none', DisplayName='/', Compress=False, ENP=0, Regexp='[\\s\\S]*')

Adds a object type definition.


Name (str): Name of object type

Description (str): Description of object type

ObjectDataType (str): EDXML Data type

FuzzyMatching (str,optional): EDXML fuzzy-matching attribute

DisplayName (str): Display name

Compress (bool,optional): Use data compression (True) or not (False)

ENP (int,optional): EDXML enp attribute

Regexp (str,optional): EDXML regexp attribute


Closes a previously opened <objecttypes> section


Opens a <sources> section for defining event sources.

AddSource(SourceId, URL, DateAcquired, Description)

Adds a source definition.


SourceId (str): EDXML source ID

URL (str): Source URL

DateAcquired (str): Acquisition date (yyyymmdd)

Description (str): Description of the source


Closes a previously opened <sources> section


Closes the <definitions> section


Opens the <eventgroups> section, containing all eventgroups

OpenEventGroup(EventTypeName, SourceId)

Opens an event group.


EventTypeName (str): Name of the eventtype

SourceId (str): Source Id


Closes a previously opened event group

AddEvent(PropertyObjects, Content='', ParentHashes=[], IgnoreInvalidObjects=False)

Alternative method for adding an event

This method expects a dictionary containing a list of object values for every property.

The optional ParentHashes parameter may contain a list of sticky hashes of explicit parent events, in hexadecimal string representation.

if IgnoreInvalidObjects is set to True, any errors thrown by the validator as a result of invalid object values will be ignored, and the object will not be included in the event.


PropertyObjects (dict): Object dictionary

Content (str,optional): Event content

ParentHashes (list,optional): List of explicit parent events

IgnoreInvalidObjects (bool,optional): Option to ignore invalid object values


Opens an event.

The optional ParentHashes parameter may contain a list of sticky hashes of explicit parent events, in hexadecimal string representation.

ParentHashes (list,optional): List of explicit parent events
AddObject(PropertyName, Value, IgnoreInvalid=False)

Adds an object to previously opened event.

if IgnoreInvalidObjects is set to True, any errors thrown by the validator as a result of invalid object values will be ignored, and the object will not be included in the event.


PropertyName (str): Name of object property

Value: Object value, can be any object that can be converted to unicode.

IgnoreInvalid (bool,optional): Generate a warning in stead of an error for invalid values


Adds plain text content to previously opened event.

ContentString (str): Event content
AddTranslation(Language, Interpreter, TranslationString)

Adds translated content to previously opened event.


Language (str): ISO 639-1 language code

Interpreter (str): Name of interpreter

TranslationString (str): The translation


Closes a previously opened event


Closes a previously opened <eventgroups> section